How To Make Bakso

Bakso (Indonesian meatball) is one of Indonesian people's favorite foods. Apart from its delicious taste, bakso can also be eaten in hot or cold weather.

Most Indonesians prefer to add soy sauce and chili sauce so that the taste is savory, slightly sweet and spicy.

Apart from Indonesians, many foreigners also like bakso. The most famous in Indonesia is Bakso Solo. And the average bakso seller is from Solo.

The main ingredients for making bakso are beef and flour. But sometimes there are some bakso sellers who mix it with chicken meat. To reduce production prices because beef is expensive.

So, for those of you who want to try making bakso at home, I will give you a recipe for making delicious bakso that are guaranteed to make you addicted to these typical Indonesian meatballs.

Recipe how to make bakso indonesian meatball

How to make bakso

Here are some ingredients and how to make meatballs.

Ingredients :

~ 500 grams of lean meat

~ 10 cloves of garlic, puree

~ 1 tbsp fried garlic

~ 1/2 tsp baking soda

~ 100 grams of tapioca

~ 50 ml egg white

~ 150 ml of ice cubes

~ Salt to taste

Meatball stuffing ingredients:

~ 250 gr minced meat

~ 1 tsp pepper powder

~ 5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

~ 5 shallots, finely chopped

~ 1 1/2 tsp salt (adjustable)

How to make meatball filling:

>> Shallots and garlic are sauteed until fragrant.

>> Add minced beef, stir until blended.

>> If the meat has changed color, add salt, pepper and water about 2100 ml. Stir again until the meat is cooked and the water dries up.

>> When it's cooked, set aside the meatball filling.

How to make meatball :

>> Lean meat cut into small pieces, then grind in a food processor along with 1/2 ice cubes until the meat is smooth.

>> When it's smooth, add the remaining ice cubes, finely chopped garlic, salt, fried garlic and egg white. Roll back.

>> Add tapioca flour and baking soda to the dough, then grind until it looks like a paste.

>> Transfer the dough to a bowl and set aside.

>> Boil the water until it boils then reduce the heat and wait about 5 minutes until the water is not too hot. Because if it's too hot, the meatball dough will break when put in water and the results are not good.

>> Take a handful of dough, then squeeze between the index and thumb. Then take the dough that appears using a spoon. Put in the water.

>> Let it float until it looks like it's floating. It indicates that the meatballs are cooked (this is to make small meatballs without filling).

>> To make large meatballs filled with minced meat, take the dough about the size of a fist and put it in your palm and thin it out. (If you want to make jumbo size meatballs, use a bowl, then thin).

>> Put about 2 teaspoons of minced meat or according to taste in the middle, then round the dough that has been filled with minced meat.

>> Put it in the hot water and let it float until the meatballs float.

>> And if you want to make modern meatballs, the method is like making meatballs filled with minced meat, but the filling is replaced with small meatballs that have been boiled first and quail eggs.

Do it until the dough runs out.

>> When all the meatballs have floated, turn up the heat a little and let it sit for about 5 minutes until the meatballs are cooked through.

>> Remove the meatballs and leave to cool. Meatballs are ready to be eaten with meatball sauce and complements.


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